Hello! And Welcome to the Lifestyle Based Teacher Hub where you'll find all things time management for teachers! I'm Jessica, I can't wait to meet you!

Hello Elementary
Teacher Friends!

Welcome to your hub for all things time management for teachers! I’m Jessica, your guide, to building a better lifestyle from burnt out and working long hours to managing your time so you can leave at contract and enjoying your life after 4 PM! 

5 Teacher Time Management Secrets to

Leave Work at Work

Teachers, take control of your lifestyle! This comprehensive guide provides you with tips on effective time management for teachers to free up some precious time in your day.

Click below to enter your name and email and I’ll send my 5 Teacher Time Management Secrets to Leave Work at Work straight to your inbox! 

Curiously, do you feel overwhelmed with all you have to do in the short time you have? -Jessica

5 Teacher Time Management Secrets to

Leave Work at Work

Teachers, take control of your lifestyle! This comprehensive guide provides you with tips on effective time management for teachers to free up some precious time in your day.

Click below to enter your name and email and I’ll send my 5 Teacher Time Management Secrets to Leave Work at Work straight to your inbox! 

Start Your Journey

time management for teachers clock image
"I was wondering if I'd have to give up my personal time to get my to do list done. But the fact that I didn't have to... just makes me believe more in the process! The mindset shift of scheduling personal life things first was a big WIN! It makes so much sense but I wasn't doing it before! Now I can focus on being present (aka not worrying about the looming to do list) because I know I have scheduled time to attack it and finding a good after school routine to recharge so I am ready to tackle the next day!"
Time management for teachers client Jenny B!
Jenny B
Special Education Teacher

Explore Your Teacher Heart Out!

Jessica here!

I’m an outdoor-loving mama of a spunky 4-year-old boy, yoga-obsessed, tea-loving, growth-minded small-town Wisconsin preschool teacher living her best life creating impact in the classroom and helping other teachers do it too! Thanks



It began when I found myself working long hours and late nights, feeling stressed and overwhelmed and wishing for more time with my husband and family. I knew my teaching was important, but I wanted a life too (you know the one where you dream of leaving work at work)!



Cutting back on hours I spent at school wasn’t going to be easy (and it wasn’t)! I spent 5 years discovering how to find a balance between the work I loved and the lifestyle I wanted. Through consistent action and the strategies I share with you, I was able to cut my hours to contract time.



Since, I’ve made it my mission to support teachers in building a better lifestyle (while managing teaching in less time)! And because I’ve been where you are (fighting for time for work + life) I understand that finding time to take that first step can be hard.



The good news is you don’t have to take another step on this journey alone – I’m here as your guide! Let’s build you a better lifestyle, from burnt out, working long hours to managing your time so you can leave at contract and enjoying your life after 4 PM!

Curiously, do you feel overwhelmed with all you have to do in the short time you have? -Jessica

Jessica here!

I’m an outdoor-loving mama of a spunky 4-year-old boy, yoga-obsessed, tea-loving, growth-minded small-town Wisconsin preschool teacher living her best life creating impact in the classroom and helping other teachers do it too! Thanks



It began when I found myself working long hours and late nights, feeling stressed and overwhelmed and wishing for more time with my husband and family. I knew my teaching was important, but I wanted a life too (you know the one where you dream of leaving work at work)!



Cutting back on hours I spent at school wasn’t going to be easy (and it wasn’t)! I spent 5 years discovering how to find a balance between the work I loved and the lifestyle I wanted. Through consistent action and the strategies I share with you, I was able to cut my hours to contract time.



Since, I’ve made it my mission to support teachers in building a better lifestyle (while managing teaching in less time)! And because I’ve been where you are (fighting for time for work + life) I understand that finding time to take that first step can be hard.



The good news is you don’t have to take another step on this journey alone – I’m here as your guide! Let’s build you a better lifestyle, from burnt out, working long hours to managing your time so you can leave at contract and enjoying your life after 4 PM!

Curiously, do you feel overwhelmed with all you have to do in the short time you have? -Jessica

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3 Easy Steps to Back-to-School Planning

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Create a Sustainable Summer Teacher Self-Care Plan to Carry into the Year

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How do teachers kick burnout in summer? Create a plan to combat the effects of teacher burnout that sticks!
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Beyond the Classroom: 4 Clever Ways to Fix the Effects of Teacher Burnout this Summer

As the school year winds down and summer break approaches, many educators long for a much-needed reprieve from the demanding teaching world. However, amidst the excitement of vacations and relaxation, addressing the persistent issue of the effects of teacher burnout is vital.

Read the Lifestyle Based Teacher Blog to learn how to combat the effects of teacher burnout.

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5 Teacher Time Management Secrets to Leave Work at Work

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