

I'm Jessica!

Hey, teacher friends, I'm Jessica! Your guide to all things time management for teachers!

Here to be by your side through the ups and downs of balancing your teaching career with your lifestyle using proven time management strategies from the beginning to the end of each school year! 



So pull up a comfy chair + your fav beverage and let’s get to know each other!


You can usually find me adventuring with my family in the great outdoors (camping is our favorite)! I’m obsessed with my 4-year-old son, stepping onto my yoga mat, cozy coffee shops, a growth mindset, and organization and I’ve got a sweets addiction to everything chocolate!


We are all family here!

Do you want to live your life on your terms, leave work at work and spend more time enjoying the things you love most?


Then you’re in the right place! 


I’m also obsessed with inspiring teachers to build a better lifestyle (while managing teaching in less time)! I know what it’s like to manage work and life in a way that flows, keeps your energy high, and creates MORE impact for your students! 


We do this together by putting in the work to create robust classroom workflows from proven time management strategies that help you complete your teaching tasks in less time, so you can leave work at work, walk out the door at 4 pm and live the life you want! 


Are you with me?


Just enjoying life while loving the great outdoors!

Great! Because it wasn’t always this way…

I’ve been where you are…

✻ Stressed out and overwhelmed 

✻ Giving everything I had to my students and my school 

✻ Working long hours and late nights planning & grading

✻ Wishing I had more time for my husband & family 

✻ All while trying to find time for self-care to keep me afloat 

Excited to be able to share my story with teachers who want to build a better lifestyle!

You may be wondering…

How I went from stressed and burnt out to enjoying my best life as a BUSY teacher

When I first started the journey to build a better lifestyle as a teacher, I could barely pull myself out of bed every morning, let alone know what I needed to do that day (other than teach)! 


It was a constant hamster wheel of stressing to plan and prep for the next day, putting out student fires because my classroom management was nowhere to be found, and falling behind on my sleep, healthy eating, and relationships. (Hot tip… schedule your personal life first, my friend!) 


Something had to change, BUT HAD NO IDEA WHERE TO START! 


The pressure to perform was real and time was in short supply. 


I went home every afternoon exhausted with no energy for my husband or home. 


My health was declining from the stress. And my husband was on the edge of telling me to quit. My classroom was no longer a place I wanted to be. 

But I knew I was born to teach!

So I went back to the drawing board! Through trial and error, asking for help, and discovering time management strategies that worked for my teaching and lifestyle, I found time for myself, my family & my husband. And the teaching spark I had lost! 


I was more present, energized, and on top of my teaching than ever in my life! 

Hello! And Welcome to the Lifestyle Based Teacher Hub where you'll find all things time management for teachers! I'm Jessica, I can't wait to meet you!

That’s when I realized…

If I wanted to find a balance between the work I loved and the lifestyle I wanted…

First I had to…


so I could


Then I could create the impact I wanted in my classroom while living life on my terms!

Don’t feel guilty about wanting more for your life as a teacher.

Let me help you!

Thanks I can help you stop worrying about bringing work home, not having enough time for your family, and the burden of increasing overwhelm. 


Because I get it… 



If you’re anything like me, you want it all right now (but lack the time to follow through on)...

Planning, prepping, grading, & organizing in the classroom during contract hours 

Having time to be present with your family & your husband at night

Keeping up your home in a way that feels easy each week

Finding pockets of time to exercise and eat healthy regularly



That’s why I created the 5 Teacher Time Management Secrets to Leave Work at Work. To help you take the first step to build a better teacher lifestyle (no matter how many things you have on your to-do list!).

What most teachers don’t know is there is a formula (beyond what you see on social media) to build the perfect lifestyle you actually want to live! There are 3 steps to a better lifestyle full of fun, family, and freedom from work, and I’m here to share them with you! 

Hey, Jessica here! With an opportunity for you to leave work at work even as a busy teacher!

Are you ready?

To take the first step on your own Lifestyle Based Teacher journey, friend?

Take a well-earned 10-minute break to find out your next step today with my 5 Teacher Time Management Secrets to Leave Work at Work


You’ll be able to start right away with a unique step-by-step formula to leave by 4 pm this week! 

In a world where chaos seems rampant, let’s build a better lifestyle together

Enter your name and email and I’ll send your FREE guide with the time management strategies you need to leave work at work straight to your inbox!

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5 Teacher Time Management Secrets to Leave Work at Work

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