Teacher Life Time Management

How to Effortlessly Transition to the Start of Summer Time for Teachers

Transitioning to summer can be challenging for teachers. Read more on the blog to find out how to make the transition smooth.

As the end of the school year approaches, teachers are gearing up for the start of summer time. While the break can be a much-needed respite, it can also be a time of transition and adjustment. In this blog, I’ve laid out my top tips to help make the transition to summer time as smooth as possible.

Speaking of strategy, why not get a jump start over the summer on a strategy to leave work at work with the 5 Teacher Time Management Secrets to Leave Work at Work. Grab your FREE copy here.  

Finish Up any Loose Ends Before the Start of Summer Time

Before you can fully transition to summer time, finishing any loose ends from the school year is important. This includes 

🗹 grading any remaining assignments

🗹 returning borrowed materials 

🗹 cleaning and organizing the classroom

🗹 completing the necessary paperwork

🗹 reflecting on your year and what you’ll continue for next year

🗹 organizing a to-do list for the next year

🗹 going home to unpack your school bags
By taking care of these tasks before the end of the school year, you can start your summer break with a clean slate and avoid any lingering stress or responsibilities. Check out the Ultimate End of Year Teacher Checklist to help you keep it all straight.

Creating a summer schedule to stay productive at the start of summer helps to prevent burnout!

Create a Summer Schedule to Stay Productive and Avoid Burnout

While summer break is a time to relax and recharge, it’s important to maintain some level of productivity to prevent boredom or anxiety about the upcoming year. 

Teachers who work endless hours through the year may become bored during the summer with less structure.  Creating a summer schedule can help you stay on track and accomplish your goals, whether they be personal or professional. 

Consider setting aside specific times during your day or week for leisure activities like adventures with your kids, exercise, reading, and more. In addition, set aside time for working on professional development, or spend some time each week getting ready for the upcoming school year.  This will help you maintain a sense of routine and structure while allowing plenty of rest and relaxation. 

It is also helpful to have a summer schedule if you have kids that stay home with you during the summer. The kids can know the schedule and what to expect each day. For example, when mom works and when they have time to adventure! 

Setting aside time to schedule specific activities will not only help prevent boredom from the contrasting summer schedule but also help you stay motivated to prepare your classroom for the upcoming year and prevent the end-of-summer anxiety about returning to school! 

If transitioning to summer school, develop a consistent daily routine for yourself and your family. Kick off your class with community and connection time and use the science of timing to keep students engaged, as the Edmentum Content Team suggests in their blog Tips for a Smooth Transition to Summer School.

Teacher Tip: Take time to relax at the start of each summer day! You're body and mind with thank you!

Take Time for Self-Care and Relaxation at the Start of Summer Time

As a teacher, you’ve likely spent the past several months juggling multiple responsibilities and putting the needs of your students first. Now that summer break is here, prioritizing self-care and relaxation is essential. If you feeling the end of year burnout and don’t know where to start, generate a short list of things you enjoy doing and pick one! 

This could mean asking your significant other to watch your kids so you can take a yoga class, read a book by the pool, or simply spend time with loved ones grilling out. Whatever activities bring you joy and help you recharge, schedule them into your summer routine. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential for showing up as your best self for your students in the fall. 

Also, schedule days when you are kid-free. Ask family, responsible students, or babysitters to help with the kids so you can get errands done, go to the gym, and have the time you need to do the things you need to stay recharged. 

Talk over the schedule with your kids and give everyone time to transition to the new summer routine. 

Plan Fun Activities and Adventures to Make the Most of Your Start of Summer Time

Summer break is the perfect time to explore new hobbies, travel to new places, and try new things. Make a list of activities and adventures you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the time for during the school year. 

This could include taking a cooking, exercise, or art class, road-tripping somewhere new, or trying a new coffee shop. By planning ahead and setting goals for yourself, you’ll be more likely to make the most of your time off and create lasting memories.

Don’t forget to schedule some downtime for relaxation and self-care, as balancing adventure with rest is important.

For more ideas on how to smoothly transition from ‘school mode’ to ‘summer mode’ no matter what’s on your summer bucket list

How Teachers Can Make the Most of Summer Break (article)


7 Steps to Transition from Teaching Mode to Summer Mode | Teacher Life (video)

Stay prepared over summer break with this quick read to help you start the school year off with a plan to leave work at work. These 5 Teacher Time Management Secrets will help you create a work-life balance for the upcoming school year! 

The transition to the start of summer time can be tricky for teachers who have worked tirelessly all year. To make the transition smooth, use these strategies to help no matter whether you’re diving into summer school shortly or planning to relax by the pool all summer! You’ll still be productive to help ease the transition back to school in the fall, yet have plenty of time to rest and relax doing what you love! 

Teachers, do you want to find more ways to leave work at work? With the 5 teacher time management secrets, you can!
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