Classroom Systems Teacher Life

3 Inspiring End-of-Year Teacher Reflection Examples That Hit the Mark

Read the blog on how to write a reflection at the end of school that creates change for the upcoming year.

As the school year ends, there are many things to do. You need to add an end-of-year teacher reflection to your end-of-year routine that helps you reflect on this year and create a plan for the following year. Because I love helping teachers everywhere simplify their teaching tasks so they can enjoy more life, these end-of-year teacher reflection examples will help you know exactly how to take this year’s challenges and turn them into wins for the next year! 

If you found yourself struggling this year with finding the time you need to spend with family, take care of yourself, and live your life outside of teaching, fgrab a copy of my 5 Teacher Time Management Secrets to Leave Work at Work so you can finally spend your upcoming school year the way you want! Download your copy here

Read on to learn more about the end-of-year teacher reflection examples that will help you get a head start on your year next year! 

A 10 minute teacher reflection can change the trajectory of your teaching

End of Year Teacher Reflection Example 1 

The 10-Minute Reflection 

Take a few moments with your favorite notebook and best pen and write down one or two things from each school year month, including ups and downs. 

Set a timer for 3 minutes and try not to overthink how good or bad each was but instead get it all out on paper. 

Once you have everything down, you can look back and see what came out of your year. Take 2 minutes to reflect on each and process how the year went. 

Then take 5 minutes to plan for what you will continue to do next year, what you will stop doing, and what you must think about before deciding. 

End of Year Teacher Reflection Example 2

The Conversation 

As you did in the 10-minute reflection, take 3 minutes to write out all you can about your year. 

Find a time to speak with a trusted colleague or administrator about what you wrote down. Ask them for feedback or insight to get a different perspective on what you experienced. They may have another way of seeing something that seemed challenging then and help you see how it was a learning experience for you. 

Take the insight you gained and bring it back to your notebook. Use the opportunity to journal how you can use the year’s challenges as learning experiences to help you plan your instruction differently, prep your lessons in less time, deliver your education creatively, or have another inspiring idea! 

Do you reflect on your year before or after all the students leave?

End of Year Teaching Reflection Example 3

The Ask 

If you can, send a letter to families or ask your students a few questions about how they felt the year went for them. Know that what is written is only one person’s opinion, and don’t be too harsh on yourself if there is negative feedback. 

Here are some examples for students 

  1. What are you most proud of accomplishing this year? 
  2. Where did you encounter struggles today, and what did you do to deal with them? 
  3. What about your thinking, learning, or work today brought you the most satisfaction?

Here are some examples for parents 

  1. What growth have you seen in your student this year? What do you think contributed to that growth? 
  2. Where did you see your student struggle? What do you think would have helped them to overcome the struggle?

Take a few minutes with the feedback and choose 3 things to modify, grow or change for the upcoming school year. 

More Examples of End of the Year Teacher Reflections

Teacher End of Year Reflection: A Year of Growth and Change (blog)

Why Teacher Reflection is an Educator’s End-of-Year Secret Weapon (article)


10 fun ways to reflect on your teaching (Video)

Go Forth and Reflect

End-of-the-year teacher reflections are a necessary part of teaching to help you learn and grow as you continue year after year. No matter how many years you have been in the classroom, there are always things that can be shifted, improved, or changed to help to make your teaching and life better. 

As lifelong learners, teachers are always finding ways to improve, especially in time management. In addition to the 3 Inspiring End of Year Teacher Reflection Examples, you can learn how to keep teaching in the classroom and enjoy a lifestyle you love with the 5 Teacher Time Management Secrets to Leave Work at Work. 

Teachers, do you want to find more ways to leave work at work? With the 5 teacher time management secrets, you can!
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